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UpFront Bronze: 3 Month Package

Summer (3 months: June, July, Late May/ Early August)

2 hr
300 US dollars
UpFront Performance Enhancement LLC.

Cancellation Policy

Creating a set of rules, regulations, expectations, and guidelines for your video conference service is essential for maintaining professionalism and ensuring a smooth experience for all participants. Here are some suggested points you might want to include: ### Video Conference Guidelines ###### #### General Rules #### 1. **Punctuality**: All participants should join the meeting on time. If you are unable to attend, please inform me in advance, MY TIME WILL NOT BE WAISTED ! 1. **Dress Code**: Dress appropriately for a professional environment, just as you would in an in-person meeting. 1. Clear Identification: Use your full name on the screen to help everyone recognize you. Technical Requirements 1. Equipment Check: Ensure that your microphone, camera, and internet connection are working well before the meeting starts. 1. Software Updates: Make sure that your video conferencing software is updated to the latest version to avoid technical issues. #### Meeting Etiquette ##### 1. **Mute When Not Speaking**: Keep your microphone muted when you are not speaking to minimize background noise. 1. **Raise Hand to Speak**: Use the 'raise hand' feature if available, or signify when you would like to speak to avoid interruptions. 1. **Respect Others’ Speaking Time**: Be mindful of time and allow others to express their points without interruption. 1. **Please Dress Appropriately** : Meeting will be canceled or you'll be asked to turn off your camera. #### Privacy and Security##### 1. **Secure Access**: Do not share meeting links or passwords publicly. Send them only to intended participants. 1. **Recording Consent**: Obtain consent from all participants before recording any session. Inform them of how the recording will be used. *Participation 1. Engagement: Actively participate by contributing to discussions and being attentive. 1. Camera On: If possible, keep your camera on during the meeting unless you have bandwidth issues or personal reasons to turn it off. Conflict Resolution 1. Address Issues Professionally: If conflicts arise, address them professionally and respectfully. 1. Feedback: Encourage participants to provide constructive feedback about the meetings to improve future sessions. Conclusion 1. By following these guidelines, we can ensure a productive and respectful environment that enhances our collaboration and communication. Thank you for your cooperation!

Contact Details

  • UpFront Performance Enhancement LLC.

    623 Clinton St, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA


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